Locked Rooms by Laurie King This was the third or fourth book in the Mary Russell series that I've read and I think it will be my last. I love the concept of the series, but they are just too slow for my taste. I love strong female characters, and Mary Russel is great. I think I just want more mystery in my mysteries. Of course, I haven't read a mystery in a long time (Sherlock Holmes stories tend to be short, so those don't count) so maybe I just don't know how mysteries work. Perhaps I need to read some classic Agatha Christie. |
The Traveller by John Twelve-Hawks This book was definately cool. I was properly warned that it is the first of a series, so when it ended abruptly with the main characters in peril, I knew it was coming. The story follows a woman (did I mention that I like strong female characters?) named Maya. Maya is a "Harlequin", the name given to an ancient group of trained bodyguards. Maya has tried to lead a normal life, but as always, it doesn't work that way for her and she is pulled back in to help save the life of a "Traveller". There's plenty of conspiracy theory, evil corperations, world-domination and sword fights. Everything we enjoy. Who doesn't like the thought of an ancient order of bodyguards that carry swords hidden in architecture drawing tubes on their back and have no traceable information on the grid? The next book should be out in June or July? What makes it odd is that the author's nam eis probably a pseudonym. he claims to live "off the grid" and contacts his publisher via a voice-disguised sattelite phone. All themes from the book, so it's most likely a publicity stunt as is detailed in this wikipedia article. |